Saturday, September 22, 2012

Amazing Thai Elephants

Even though it happened a long time ago, I would still like to share this really incredible thing that occurred to me two years ago when my husband and I holidayed in Thailand. Since we're both animal lovers, we always find time to go to the Zoo or visit Animal farms every time we travel.

It was our first visit to Bangkok Zoo and we could feel excitement is rushing into our bloodstreams to see the animals. The zoo is big and the animals are handled pleasantly.

When I saw signs to the Elephant enclosure, I rushed hurriedly to see them. I just love elephants, they're so adorable and also very smart animals. Did you know that they have sharp memories and they never forget.
In the enclosure, it was an elephant family- the Papa, Mama and a baby elephant.

The elephants approached us directly, looking very happy. In this zoo, they allow people to touch, pet and feed the elephants. On the other side of the enclosure, there's a mini stall that are selling baskets of veggies to feed the elephants so I went there to buy a food basket to give it to them. The moment the baby elephant saw me purchasing the food basket, it ran out of the enclosure and went to me, like bowing down or begging for the food. It was really cute but a little shocked that a baby elephant could do this.
I was quite scared in the beginning but then I realized that these animals are harmless. :)

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